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Wer Übersetzungen für Karten aus den Structure Decks
Joey 1
Yugi 1
Kaiba 1
Pegasus 1
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thx an alle

Bis jetzt übersetzt:

Structure Deck Joey 2
Structure Deck Yugi 2
Structure Deck Kaiba 2

hier das Structure Deck Joey 2:

SJ2-001 Baby Dragon
002 Alligators' Sword
003 Swordman of Landstar
004 Axe Raider
005 Great Angus
006 Battle Footballer
007 Red-Eyes B. Dragon
008 Gilford the Lighting
ATK 2800 DEF 1400 Level: 8
Effekt: Wenn du für dieses Monster 3 Monster statt 2 auf deiner Seite des Feldes opferst, zerstöre alle Monster auf der Seite des Gegners.

009 Jinzo
Effekt: weiß wohl jeder

010 Little Guardian
kann in End Phase noch einmal die Position wechseln (d.h. kann z.B. in Angriffsposition gespielt werden und in der End Phase in Def Modus bringen.

011 ignoranz ignoverse
Effekt: wenn man die ATK um 400 verringer hat es den gleichen Effekt wie Fairy Meteor Crush.

012 Geafried the Iron Knight
013 Time Wizard
014 Exiled Force
Effekt: Offer face-up this card on your side of the field as a Tribute to destroy 1 monster on the field. If this card is used for a Tribute Summon or this card is offered as a Tribute due to other cards' effects, this card's effect is not activated.

015 Dimension Warrior - Wenn dieses Monster im Kampf zerstört wird werden dieses und das angreifende Monster aus dem Spiel entfernt.

016 Maurading Captain
Effekt: As long as this monster remains face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select another Warrior-Type monster on your side of the field as an attack target. When this monster is Normal Summoned successfully, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your hand.

017 Tornado Bird
Effekt: FLIP: Return 2 Magic or Trap Cards on the field to the hands of their owner.

018 Sinister Serpent
During your Standby Phase, if a "Sinister Serpent" exists in your Graveyard, you can return the "Sinister Serpent" to your hand.

019 Roulette Barrel
Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can roll a six-sided die twice. Select one result and destroy 1 face-up monster on the field whose level is equal to the result.

020 Sasuke Samurai
When this monster attacks a face-down Defense Position monster, destroy the face-down monster immediately with this card's effect without flipping it face-up or damage calculation.

021 Graceful Dice (Engelswürfel)
Roll 1 six-sided die. The result is multiplied by 100 points and added to the ATK and DEF of all monsters you control until the end of your turn. Monsters summoned after this card's activation are excluded.

022 Gigant Trunade
Gib alle Zauber und Fallenkarten auf dem Feld in die Hand des Besitzers zurück

023 Shield&Sword
024 Question
When activating this card, your opponent cannot check cards in the Graveyard. Your opponent calls the name of the first monster card found at the bottom of your Graveyard. If he/she call it right, the monster is removed from play. If he/she call it wrong, the monster is Special Summoned on your side of the field in face-up Attack or Defense Position.

025 Reinforcement of the Army
Move one Level 4 or lower Warrior-Type monster from your Deck to your hand. Your Deck is then shuffled.

026 Mystical Space Thypoon
027 premature burial: zahle 800 LP und hole ein monster aus deinem friedhof in face up AKT posiion aufs feld und rüste es hiemit auf. wenn eine der beiden kaputt is, is die andere das auch

028 Scapegoat
029 Foolish Burial - Schicke ein Monster aus deinem Deck direkt ins Grab !

030 Skull Dice (Teufelswürfel)
Roll 1 six-sided die. The result is multiplied by 100 points and subtracted from the ATK and DEF of all monsters in your opponent's control until the end of your turn. Monsters summoned after this card's activation are excluded.

031 Backupsoldier
You can activate this card when there are 5 or more Monster Cards in your Graveyard. Take up to 3 Monster Cards (except monsters with effects) with an ATK of 1500 points or less from your Graveyard and add them to your hand.

032 Du kannst eines Deiner aufgedeckten Monster bis zum Ende des Zuges aus dem Spiel entfernen.

033 Fiary Box
Each time a monster on your opponent's side of the field attacks, toss a coin and call Heads or Tails. If you call it right, the attacking monster's ATK becomes 0 only during the Battle Phase. Pay 500 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you cannot, this card is destroyed.

034 Name: ??? Fallenkarte
Effekt: wenn dein Gegner mit einem Monster angreift, wähle eines seiner anderen Monster am Feld als Ziehl des Angriffes. Der Schaden wird dem Gegner von seinen LP abgezogen.

035 Ultimate Offering - Zahle 500 LP für jeden weiteren Summon

036 Kettenbumerang
Effekt: wähle ein monster von dir und rüste es damit auf, das monster erhält extra 500AKT. wähle dann ein gegnerisches monste rund versetzte es in face up defence position.

037 Blast with Chain
After activation, this card is treated as an Equip Magic Card. Select 1 monster you control and equip it with this card to increase the ATK of the selected monster by 500 points. When this card is destroyed by the effect of another card, select 1 card on the field and destroy it.

038 Bottomless Trap Hole
When your opponent Normal Summons, Flip Summons, or Special Summons a monster with an ATK of 1500 or more, the monster is destroyed and removed from play.

039 Gamble
You can activate this card when your opponent's hand has 6 or more cards and your hand contains 2 or less. Toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, draw until your hand has 5 cards. If you call it wrong, skip your next turn.

040 Graverobber
You can take 1 Magic Card from your opponent's Graveyard. If it is your turn and you activate it, you take 2000 points of Direct Damage. If it is your opponent's turn, you cannot activate it. The Magic Card is returned to your opponent's Graveyard at the end of this turn.

041 Acrobate Monkey
042 Amored Lizard
043 Kojikocy
044 Dice Jar
FLIP: Both players roll a six-sided die once. The player with the lowest result takes Direct Damage equal to his/her opponent's result X 500 Life Points. However, if a winner's result is 6, the loser takes 6000 points of Direct Damage. If the results are the same, both players roll again.

045 Wand der Illusionen
046 Dian Keto, Meisterheiler
047 Bait Doll
Force the activation of 1 face-down Trap Card. If the timing of the activation of the Trap Card is incorrect, negate the effect and destroy it. If it is not a Trap Card, it is returned to its original position. After this card is activated, it is placed into the Deck (not the Graveyard). The Deck is then shuffled.

048 Second Coin Toss
As long as this card remains face-up on the field, you can negate the effects of a card requiring a coin toss once per turn and redo the coin toss.

049 Banner of Courage
During your Battle Phase only, increase the ATK of all monsters on your side of the field by 200 points.

050 Wenn Du in Deiner Draw-Phase ein Monster ohne Effekt ziehst, kannst Du's Deinem Gegner zeigen und noch eine Karte ziehen.

051 Nurient Z
This card can only be activated during your opponent's Damage Step. During this turn, if you take Battle Damage of 2000 points or more, increase your Life Points by 4000 Points before the damage is subtracted from your Life Points.

052 Needle Wall
During your Standby Phase, roll a six-sided die once. Treat your opponent's Monster Card Zone as #'s 1-5, counting from your right. Destroy the monster that is in the same Monster Card Zone as the die result. If the result is 6, roll again.

053 Blind Destruction
During your Standby Phase, roll 1 six-sided die once. Destroy any monsters whose Level Stars are equal to the number rolled. If the number is "6", destroy all face-up Level 6 or higher monsters on the field.

054 Jar of Greed
Draw 1 card from your Deck.

055 Reverse Dice - Würfle erneut.

by fuavarra